Most Profitable Business Ideas in Jammu and Kashmir

30 Most Profitable Business Ideas in Jammu and Kashmir

Looking for business ideas in Jammu and Kashmir? Then these 30 most profitable ideas will help you to start a successful business in J&K.

You can start many types of businesses in Jammu and Kashmir and thousands of ideas may come to your mind, but the right selection of business ideas makes you a successful entrepreneur and a businessman.

The businessman is concerned with profits and he or she can adopt several techniques to get good returns but before that, he or she needs a good business idea. I have selected the best business ideas that you can think of in Jammu and Kashmir and all these ideas are highly profitable.

30 Best Business Ideas to Start in Jammu and Kashmir

1. Horticulture Business

The horticulture business is always been one of the best business ideas in Jammu and Kashmir. If you live in Jammu and Kashmir, then you may know that Horticulture is one of the most important business sectors in the state (now UT).

This business sector contributes a lot to the GDP of Jammu and Kashmir. Also, a study done by Greater Kashmir shows that the horticultural part alone contributes around 25% of the GDP of Jammu and Kashmir UT.

The main fruit crops grown in Kashmir are apples, walnuts, cherries, apricot, etc. Here saffron (spice) is grown intensively and Jammu and Kashmir is the sole producer of this crop in India. Now, this crop has got a GI tag also.

Entrepreneurs can make more jobs for jobless youth while carrying further advancement to the agri-business area of Jammu and Kashmir.

Kashmir, being an area situated at a high altitude and having rich mineral soil, has incredible potential in the accompanying agribusiness and farming-related specialities such as Potato, Onion, Potato seeds, Mushroom, Saffron, Vegetable Seeds, Apple, Almond, and Strawberry.

Potatoes, onions, mushrooms, and strawberries are imported in huge amounts from different states, while they can be cultivated in Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmiri entrepreneurs can stop such an enormous outpouring of cash while developing locally, advocates Startup Kashmir.

2. Handicraft Business

Handicraft is one of the primary businesses of the erstwhile state and has been of impressive significance given its huge work and fair potential. In India, Jammu and Kashmir are known for their handicraft products like carpets, Shawls, Namdha, Basohli Paintings, etc.

The handicrafts business has been a wellspring of generous foreign trade. It gives work to about 4.1 lakh artisans. The quantity of mechanical units has additionally gone up. Both Jammu and Kashmir provisions have the scope of handicraft business because it is one of the most profitable business opportunities in the state.

Here are some of the well-known handicraft products of Jammu and Kashmir are Kashmiri Carpets, Crewel, Namdha, Phool Kari, Basohli Painting, Calico Painting, Kashmiri Shawls, Wood Carving, Chain Stitch, and Papier Machie.

So, if you choose the handicraft business in Jammu and Kashmir then you will thrive in a short period. The profit you can earn in this business is very high if you choose to promote your product socially because now people are buying more handicrafts products online than traditionally.

Do market research and check which handicrafts products are in demand and if you find a few suitable products then work on them and upload some pictures on different social media to attract customers because nowadays social media will give you customers that traditionally.

3. Livestock Business

In Jammu and Kashmir, livestock farming is a critical job. It contributes around 0.4 per cent of the total national output (GDP) of the state.

The state has a valuable abundance of livestock dairy cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry. The cows and poultry among all the livestock are viewed as the most significant livestock for the advancement of the economy in Jammu and Kashmir.

The Kashmir region shares 47.42% of the total livestock population. This business contributes to several other related sectors which is an advantage for you to start this business in Jammu and Kashmir because if you are into livestock business then you can start the businesses such as Milk Production, Wool Production, Laying Birds and Egg Production and Meat Production.

The livestock business is profitable in Jammu and Kashmir but takes a lot of work to succeed. If you are planning to start this business, make sure you are ready for every challenge that this business gives you.

The government of India has introduced many schemes for the same in Jammu and Kashmir. So, if you are interested in this business, the government will also help you financially and guide you through the process, but the core activity is on your shoulders.

The JKSLBC website will also help you to know the detailed figures and the potential of this business as well. But the major things and contributions of this business in both development and livelihood are explained above.

4. Tourism Business in Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir is known as the crown of India. It is regarded as “Paradise on Earth”. It is well known for its snow mountains, streams, rivers, shining lakes, blossom knolls, beautiful plantations, meadows, and uncommon fauna. 

Every single component of Jammu and Kashmir has consistently attracted various tourists from everywhere throughout the world. Tourism has developed as a significant and one of the real contributors to the state’s economy.

The tourism business in Jammu and Kashmir has become a full-time income for many businessmen and there are still many opportunities for you to start a business in this field. 

There are a few fields in the tourism business where competition is quite high like providing transport for tourists, hotels and restaurants so if you are new in this business don’t involve in these fields because it will take time to make a place in such businesses.

Don’t worry many business ideas are worth trying in the tourism industry such as selling handicrafts near tourist places, tourist guides, suggesting places to visit, selling snacks, food trucks and many others.

There are many tourist places where you can start a business. Choose a place which is crowded throughout the year or most of the time in a year so that your niche will not fall in the category of seasonal business, otherwise you may face losses. So, select your target customers and business niche carefully in the tourism industry.

5. Sericulture Business

It is a practice in which silkworms are reared for the production of silk. This process includes several agro-industrial activities and Jammu and Kashmir have been renowned for their silk generation for decades. Rajtranagni by Kalhana Pandit, Mahabharata, and Ramayana build-up that the sericulture was being drilled in Kashmir from times prehistoric period.

Jammu and Kashmir deliver the best quality Bivoltine Mulberry silk in the nation because of its extended length, better quality, and sparkle primarily on account of favourable climatic conditions.

However out of the total creation of casings consistently just 20-25% is being used up inside the State and the rest is sent out.

It is a very profitable business idea to choose in Jammu and Kashmir. For decades this business is growing and is still earning a decent income. According to the reports on average, this business earns more than 3 lakhs from just units and there are many such units in the state.

From this, you can get an idea of how much you can generate from this business. Also, it plays an eminent role in the economy of Kashmir. The government is also supporting new entrepreneurs to join the sericulture business.

6. Fisheries Business

The State of J&K has a unique topography that partitions the State into 3 particular agro-climatic zones viz. the tropical Jammu Division, the Kashmir Valley, and the cool bone-dry zone of Ladakh. Now Ladakh is a separate UT.

The State (Now UT) is bestowed with the characteristic water assets spread over a territory of about 0.40 lacs hectares existing in the state. There are many Rivers, Sars, Springs, Reservoirs and around 250 high elevation Lakes.

Fisheries Business has always been a profit-making business in Jammu and Kashmir. Fish is one of the most liked foods in the state and the profit is ten times more than most businesses.

The business’s profitability depends upon the scale of the business you start. If you want to start it on a small scale then you can easily earn 10 to 15 lacks per year but on large scale, you can earn a pretty decent income.

Starting this business doesn’t require significant capital but there is the initial cost for you need to prepare for and consistent work that needs to be done on its respective time.

Gain knowledge about fish farming and other related concepts so that it will be easy for you to choose this business idea in Jammu and Kashmir. Otherwise, you may face losses.

7. Waste Management and Recycling

SMC (Srinagar Municipal Corporation) has been constantly working on waste management and recycling and also provides opportunities for entrepreneurs to start a business in this field.

This business is expected to grow by about 24% because the government of India is also supporting businessmen financially in this field. Although the core activities have to be performed by yourself.

Waste management and recycling businesses in Jammu and Kashmir are one of the best business ideas to generate good revenue. In India, many states are actively using many technologies to utilize waste and make a business out of it, and Jammu Kashmir is also doing its best in this business field.

You may wonder why is it a profitable business. The answer is quite simple due to the increasing population, consumerism and waste products day and day gives you an opportunity to grab this opportunity and turn it into a business.

There are many niches that you can choose from in the waste management and recycling business such as biochemical waste management, scrap metal, landfill gas to energy, plastic waste and many others.

8. Dairy Farming Business

The state even imports tremendous amounts of milk from outside. ZamZam Dairy and other local brands have officially taken measures however insufficient to satisfy the huge demand for milk in most urban regions of Jammu and Kashmir. This big gap allows you to start a business in this field.

The average per capita availability of milk has also increased from 250 grams to 500 grams per day in 2022, for the upcoming year 2023 these numbers will be very high. So, with this figure, you analyze how is the potential of this business in Jammy and Kashmir in 2022-2023.

Many locals are satisfying the demands of the people in specific areas but they don’t work and perform their activities like a well-established business can do.

So, there is an opportunity to start a dairy farming business in Jammu and Kashmir and earn your livelihood. Try to first analyse your market and check the demand for milk. When you are aware of your target market, provide quality products at a genuine price so that your business can grow more easily than your competitors.

9. Curd Making Business

There is a large local market comprising families, cafés, lodgings, and so forth for curd items in Jammu and Kashmir. 

You can start this business with livestock or milk production businesses because they are related to each other. If you can start a business on a large scale then you should mix two or more related businesses to increase your customer base.

Curd is one of the most widely used food in our homes. In Jammu and Kashmir, this food is liked by everyone so the demand for the business is very high. You can even start this business at home by a traditional method or you can buy a curd maker.

The profit margin in this business is quite high depending on how big your target market is. Today there are many tools by which you can make curd very easily and quickly to meet the increasing demand.

If you are planning this business make sure to analyze the market because there are already some well-known companies that people trust. So for you, it will take time to build that trust in the eyes of the customers.

10. Poultry Farming Business

The local demand for poultry is high yet generation is feeble in Jammu and Kashmir, which helps businessmen of other states to earn profits in the state. The local entrepreneurs are now working for opening more poultry farming units for the development of the state.

It is an important major agro-based industry in Jammu and Kashmir because it has contributed to the employment of the youth of the state. With this business, you can also start a meat and eggs business that is quite profitable in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

The chicken market will never die because usually in the state most people eat meat daily so the market is huge and the profit margin in this business is also quite high but at the same time competition is also high.

Millions of chickens are exported in the state which allows Jammu and Kashmir to send cash outside but if you start a farm inside the state then you can make quite decent revenue and also contribute to the development of Jammu and Kashmir.

11. Online Business Arrangements

Countless local retailers, eateries, inns, and endeavours that work in different fields are needing experts who can enable them to profit from the developing pattern of internet shopping.

How as a web-based business proficient you can offer assistance by making different web-based business arrangements, for example, online gateways, virtual shopping baskets, SEO, SEM and SMO administrations, and so on as required by their businesses.

This business is very profitable in Jammu and Kashmir because till now the competition is quite low. But you need to choose a target niche market so that you can give what people demand.

Several things need to be managed in Jammu and Kash to use online business arrangements as a large business unit.

12. Computer and their Repairing Business

Those who possess computers such as banks, government, and instructive organizations use them for different purposes that include diagnosing, investigating, and computer gadgets in Jammu and Kashmir.

As well know now computers, laptops and related gadgets like earphones, mice, keyboards, RAM, HDD, etc. are quite in demand in Jammu and Kashmir. Now it has become a basic need for the people and this business still has the potential to thrive in the upcoming future.

If you open a business where you provide the necessary computer equipment and also provide repair services then your business will grow like a star in the sky. For this business, location is very important because the more customers come to your business, the more profit you can receive.

13. Mushroom Cultivation and Processing

The high healthy benefit of mushrooms such as protein, nutrients, and minerals make it one of the profitable business ideas for Jammu and Kashmir. Mushrooms are demanded extensively which is an advantage for an entrepreneur to start a business on a product which is most demanded.

Gucchi mushroom of Jammu and Kashmir is one the most expensive foods in India, where morel mushrooms are famous all across the world. So, if you planning to start this business make sure you are aware of what soil type is suitable for it to cultivate.

Also, what temperature do you need to cultivate mushrooms and other processing details then you should go into this business otherwise you may face losses if you blindly start mushroom cultivation.

14. Kraft Paper from Waste Cartons

Kraft paper, brown paper, or wrapping paper is made using crude materials, for example, bagasse, groundwood, straw, waste paper, in a different blend or alone and so on.

This business is also beneficial for those who want to start a business on a small scale. Do a proper analysis to check demand and competition in the market.

Cartons are very much liked by children so your main target customers are kids. Analyse what they like in cartoons then create something they want. In this way, your sales can increase and so your profit.

15. Café (with Micro Brewery)

A café is essentially a spot to have food outside your home. It is smaller in size than a lodging as it doesn’t have convenient offices. It is a foundation that serves the customers with arranged nourishment and refreshments to be devoured on the premises.

The cafe business is emerging in Jammu and Kashmir. Many young businessmen are working consistently to make it a profit-making business. You may have seen many cafes in your local town which are generating decent revenue.

A well-established cafe business gives you million of rupees in income if you do it properly and in a good location.

16. Website Development

The use of the web as a way to get data about employment, shop on the web, and find out about instructive notices is continually expanding in both the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir.

Hence, making it is significant for business foundations, and organizations like colleges, universities, schools, and so on to make online interfaces and it is certain that Kashmir has no lack of youth that can give website composition and improvement administrations.

This business is considered the most profitable business in Jammu and Kashmir because it can be done anywhere in the state and the profit potential of the business is very high.

17. Travel Industry and Business

The travel industry is noteworthy in Jammu and Kashmir, giving someplace around 30% of work to the local populace. For your data, over a million visitors visit Kashmir consistently and their number continues to expand as time passes.

In Jammu, mainly people visit for pilgrimage because there are many temples ad shrines which is why it is known as the “City of Temples”.

We realize that the more the vacationer inflow, the more cash to race into the economy of Jammu and Kashmir through their spending on cafés, inns, transport, and a lot more things.

18. Sheep Farming Business

Earlier I talked about the livestock business. This is a similar business but in this only sheep are targeted. The local populace in Kashmir devours around 51,000 tons of sheep every year.

Almost 21,000 tons are imported from outside the state. What it means is that local entrepreneurs can supplant imported lamb with local produce while opening sheep ranch units crosswise over Kashmir.

19. Blogging Business

Blogging is one of the great businesses you can start if you are interested in this field. It has great potential and can give huge profits in the long run.

As per the conditions of Jammu and Kashmir, internet services are not that great but still, you can start blogging on a 2G network because it doesn’t require any high speed to post a blog. For the initial setup of the blog, you will require high-speed internet which can be managed easily.

But now in 2022 condition has been normalized and people can use a fast Jio 4G or Airtel 5G network. This business has become now easy to run in J&K.

20. Restaurant Business

It is one of the booming businesses in the state. As we all know Jammu and Kashmir is known for the restaurant business because it generates huge profits.

But it requires medium investment to set up and also you have to follow some legal procedures. You may have seen many businesses like this one in your area. They have huge potential to grow.

21. Business on YouTube

YouTube has great potential if you take it as a business opportunity. You can build your audience and promote your existing business. Or you can be a content creator and earn money through affiliates, sponsorship, and advertisements.

For this, you don’t need any expertise, in the beginning, you will learn as you grow on this platform. At present in 2022, many YouTubers in Jammu and Kashmir are making videos on almost every niche like comedy, education, travelling, tourism, etc.

22. Private and Online Tutoring

In most blog posts, I always mention that tutoring is one of the best businesses you can think of. It is competitive but has high demand as always.

People who are looking for free notes, and video classes on different online platforms can be your students and you will earn from those platforms. And as you grow and people recognize you, you can use those advantages to transfer them into a business like making an institution, etc.

There are many channels on Youtube that are providing free education to the youth of Jammu and Kashmir or charging a price that is less than 500, which is nothing for one course including all subjects.

23. Graphic Designing Service Business

For introverts who are very innovative and creative-minded. Freelance graphic design can be a true way of making a living. In this digital era, the demand for graphic designs is higher than ever.

You can provide solutions to your client’s business problems through visual communication such as creating logos, websites, stationery, and marketing materials.

First, you should learn Graphic Designing by yourself and then teach others and make a team. After you’re ready, start your graphic designing service business in Jammu and Kashmir.

24. Programming and Developing Service

Some people are detail-oriented and meticulous, making them well-suited programmers and software developers. The combination of patience and focus on making programs/software is an advantage for you in entrepreneurship as a programmer.

Since coding is such a skill that few people master, there is a high demand for freelance programmers. Moreover, most of this work can be done in the comfort of your home. If you are interested in becoming a programmer you must master HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and PHP.

25. Instagram Consultant

Many businesses today have abandoned traditional marketing methods and turned to social media networks like the ever-popular Instagram to promote their products and services.

The majority of companies may not have expertise in marketing techniques on Instagram, which is why outsourcing an Instagram consultant is often the best option.

Instagram consultants help companies grow their Instagram and sustainable influence. Companies are buying higher amounts from these agencies and even individuals who are popular on Instagram.

26. Nature Photographing Business

Landscape photography takes focus and observation, a quality that many of you can share. The opportunities for landscape photographers in Jammu and Kashmir can be enormous because it is the most beautiful place in the world.

There are several ways to generate income from being a photographer such as shooting for websites or publications, selling your fingerprints or using rights to your images, or, if you are skilled enough, offering classes to other aspiring photographers.

Today, the internet makes it easy to market your business. Many people have been fashion and wedding photographers over the years and have started their own companies.

27. Car Rental Business

In my opinion, this business has less competition yet. As we all know this business has not emerged to great extent in Jammu and Kashmir even having great potential. In Jammu and Kashmir, there are 100s of tourist places people want to visit but not all of them have cars. They use comfortable public transport.

If you start a car rental business near airports, railway stations, and the main bus stands then people coming from India or outside India will visit Jammu and Kashmir and they might want to book a car for their holidays, honeymoon, etc., which is far more comfortable than public transport.

28. Cleaning Business

The cleaning business in Jammu and Kashmir has not yet extended that much like other developed states of India. So, there is an excellent opportunity in starting this business. But there are several things that you should take care of such as the perfect location and target customers.

As we all know in Jammu and Kashmir people don’t hire a person for cleaning purposes. People hire cleaning professionals for big houses, offices, and hotels who don’t do it alone or don’t have time to do it.

29. Massage Therapist

There are few businesses like this and mostly in cities like Jammu and Kashmir, but this has the potential to grow. Remember, in the state people usually don’t prefer to go massage therapist because of the privacy.

But what if you start a massage therapist business in which privacy can be maintained? You can do it by making premises and hiring people who massage customers of the same gender and no one should be allowed.

30. Interior Designing

You have seen many big houses or even small ones that have impressive and attractive interiors. Yes, this business has potential in many ways and almost in all areas of Jammu and Kashmir. Interior designers are creative people that have a unique mindset as compared to others.

But on a large scale if you make a business in which you hire people for the work. When a customer visits your office you can show them the samples and you sent a professional for the work. This way interior designing businesses can be started in Jammu and Kashmir.

Other than these business ideas, there are many dealership opportunities that you can grab in Jammu and Kashmir. For that do a proper analysis traditionally because that is the most recommended idea in the state which can save you from any future losses.


Now you are familiar with profitable business ideas in Jammu and Kashmir. Choose one which you find suitable and profitable in your particular area or region. Please remember this post is all about the ideas that you can pursue. As we all know everything has its pros and cons. Make sure you analyze and research an idea you choose.

Also, do research in your area and try to find the taste and preferences of people. Then start a business and change these people into customers.

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