Business Ideas in Germany

27 Most Profitable Business Ideas in Germany

There are many business ideas in Germany to consider for your first startup but selecting appropriate business ideas is very necessary to be successful. 

Germany is a country in Europe and is one of the most popular countries in the world and starting a business there is very profitable and beneficial. It is famous for many things like cars, bread, castles, and sausages.

The most profitable ideas always are around us but we are not able to recognize them, I have done proper research and listed out the most profitable options you can choose in Germany.

So, if you are wondering about the business ideas in Germany with low and medium investment then I got you covered.

Business Ideas in Germany

Here are the 27 lucrative business ideas in Germany:

Online Shop

The 4.0 technology is increasingly developing, according to statistics from SimilarWeb, now everyone is spending 1 to 3 hours a day surfing Facebook or other social networks. Therefore, selling online is extremely effective.

Have you ever bought at least once anything on Facebook or another platform? Or your loved one has already done some shopping, right?

Online shop is one of the best online business ideas in Germany, especially if you start a clothing or cosmetic-related business.

Clothing and cosmetic products are indispensable items for the public, especially young people. Keeping up with current fashion trends will help you bring a relatively decent income.

Website Creation Business

If you are a web developer this could be the best business to start in Germany. Currently, websites are needed by both businesses and individuals.

For this reason, offering website creation services is a great idea to start. In addition to the potential of the business, you can also take it as a side business in Germany.

Although now many platforms make it easy for people to create and design websites. It needs special skills to design a website from scratch but if you take the help of software such as WordPress then you can easily create a website.

Graphic Design Services

For those of you who have graphic design skills, offering design services is the best small business opportunity in Germany. You not only get a decent amount of profits but also at the same time you will be able to improve skills and increase connections. You can offer design services through freelancer sites, such as Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, and so on.

Make sure you have created the best portfolio so that potential clients can see the work you have done. Also, on these websites, you have to work to get ratings from the clients.

Seo Consultant

As technology develops, there are also various kinds of new online business ideas in Germany, one of which is SEO services. This service is needed by those who want to improve their ranking on Google.

This idea is among the best home businesses in Germany because you can do it at home. If you have experience in SEO, don’t miss this amazing business opportunity.

Clothes Wholesale Business

Many of you mistakenly think the workshop business will be very big, but there is not a single store in any mall or workshop. But the workshop business you see online is just a tiny house.

This workshop will pick up the goods at wholesale markets or factories and leave them wholesale to eat the difference in prices. Each order only needs a profit of about 5,000 -10,000 dollars, then every day you have made a fair amount.

Resell Foreign Goods

Online business on the Internet is a channel to make money rich if you know how to attract customers. Buying cheap goods at foreign websites is a small business but has surprising results.

It is a profitable idea to start especially for those who are living in Germany but are from another country. Because they have better knowledge of goods of their home country.

Reselling your country’s goods whether it is clothes or handicrafts is among the best business opportunities in Germany for foreigners.

Mobile Cafe Business

This model helps the shopkeeper to save a lot of costs in space, wifi, and furniture and the price is suitable for everyone. With a capital of about 3000 to 10,000 dollars, you will have a cafe to satisfy your passion for business.

Mobile cafes are very much in demand in Germany, especially in crowded areas. For this, you don’t have to rent a place and you can do this business easily anywhere in Germany.

Selling Snacks Online

With the era of technology 4.0 increasingly developing, now you just need to stay in the office to order a cup of homemade milk tea, after 15 minutes, you will have it right away.

Too great, right?

It can be seen that selling junk food online is a popular form for office people today. You will not need space costs nor be afraid of stagnation like snacks outside.

Fruits and regional food are popular snacks today in Germany.

Motorcycle Or Car Washing Business

This business never dies because there is a gradual increase in the sales of cars and motorcycles. People are willing to queue up for hours to get their turn for washing their vehicles.

The price and time spent on washing motorbikes and cars make many vehicle owners prefer professional washing services so that they can save their vehicles from any damage.

The capital needed for this business to start in Germany ranges from low to medium. Initially, you should start with a motorcycle wash business then you can go for other vehicles.

You only need to provide a water pump, compressor, rags, motorcycle soap, and motorcycle tire polish.

All of these items can be obtained for between 3000 to 7000 dollars.

Insurance Agent

Insurance agents generally are often used as a side business. This is because does not require high capital, but provides sustainable income as long as the customer is registered in an insurance program.

Of course, this is very interesting, plus the income is very promising. That is, if you want to have a high profit, you also have to work hard and be able to sell insurance products to large customers.

For those who want to have a business career in this field you need communication skills and also you should know about different financial schemes. Not infrequently a successful business can lead to a better career, insurance agents are also like that.

Insurance agents who excel usually get the opportunity to grow by being given various kinds of training and comparative study opportunities in various places in Germany.

Laundry Services

Laundry is one of the business businesses that everyone can try. Generally, people use this service when they don’t have enough time to wash their clothes because of their profession. Laundry services are widely used by people who live in urban areas, especially those who live in boarding houses.

Therefore, the location for starting this business is very important because it can determine the profitability of the business.

The laundry business will be quite promising if it is carried out in the right locations with a large population, especially in the campus area or close to offices. Someone who wants to start a laundry business also needs to prepare quality laundry equipment to provide better service.

In addition, to start a laundry business, it is also necessary to have a good and unique marketing strategy to attract public interest. This marketing strategy can be done by distributing brochures that offer attractive promotions in the laundry business environment.

Selling Fast Food

With the growing economy, fast food is on the menu for busy people. With about some dollars and 1 motorbike, you can completely sell fast food and deliver them to them. Simple dishes such as bread, dumplings, fried chicken, grilled rolls, pizza, and much more.

The concept of this business is that you have to deliver the food to the location where customers want it. Now with the help of Google, you can easily go to any area even if you don’t the way.

Open a Bakery Business

Capital of about 2000 to 20,000 dollars, the bakery business is not a bad idea! If you are skillful and meticulous, this is an interesting form of business.

However, this market is quite competitive, so you need to pay attention to the quality and highlights of your shop such as a variety of cakes and pieces of bread to easily attract customers!

Open a Homemade Milk Tea Shop

Milk tea is one of the drinks, whether in the city or in the countryside, which is popular with many people. About 10 million of you were completely able to do small business on this item.

However, you should pay attention to the quality and unique features that will be an easy point to attract visitors to the shop.

Patterns such as graffiti drawing, the artwork will give customers a comfortable space, and interesting selfies for young people.

Electrical Accessories Store

Products you can trade in this business are cases, flashes, phone cords, and power banks. The profit you will receive is 100 – 5000 dollars per product.

This market is extremely rich with a variety of users. However, you should note that this item is competitive. Therefore, you should choose impressive and beautiful products that are easy to attract customers.

Technology Business in Germany

In this business, you can make products such as smartwatches, control toys, 3D glasses, and many others.

This market is mainly students and young people who are passionate about technology toys. You should choose unique and unique items that will easily attract customers!

Technology is the most profitable business in Germany and you have many niches you can choose from.

Franchise Business

If you have limited capital to set up a business or you don’t have time to design a business or don’t have enough resources to build a business from scratch then you can start a franchise business.

The concept of a franchise is simply to follow all the rules applied by the franchisor, from product innovation to the marketing concept.

Toy Business

The easiest business in Germany is selling to the target market of children. Well, at this point I will include the children’s toy business as a business opportunity.


Many advantages that we can with this toy business:

  • First, the price of children’s toys is cheap and affordable
  • Second, the target market is clear
  • Third, the children’s toy business will not end and you can stock in large quantities without fearing that the item will rot or expire

You must always follow the fashion trends of children’s toys that are in demand by children.

Costume Rental Business

German people have many celebrations for which they need costumes. So, opening a costume rental business can bring lucrative profits.

As you all know there are many costumes that you can’t buy or don’t want to buy because the requirement for that costume is occasional. So, you only rent those costumes and return them.

In the same manner, other people do it, so you need to target those customers and also manage stock for every occasion so that you don’t miss any customers.

Animation Business

In addition to graphic design, animations are also widely demanded by large companies for branding purposes.

Take advantage of your skills in creating animations to generate profits. An animator can get paid more than 1000 dollars for a short video.

To get clients, you can use the different online platforms and sell your services.

Girls Accessories Business

Girl accessories are the business to invest in in Germany. The products that can be traded are necklaces, bracelets, rings, hairpins, makeup tools, and many others.

For a successful business, you should have a real photo model posted on social networking sites to easily attract customers.

The profit you will receive when trading these items will be from 1000 dollars – to 5000 dollars per product and the target audience will be all women.

Psychological Counseling

Life becomes busier and busier, stress always appears on every corner. Therefore, the need for “salvation” for psychological counseling has never been as much as at present.

The need for consultation is spread over almost all fields: marriage – family counseling, psychological – gender sharing, love, law, etc.

In addition, this market is quite diverse in terms of subjects. Besides, when your consulting work has been in position, customers come more and more, you need a suitable, luxurious and spacious position for the number of customers.

Virtual rooms are also very popular today and are being searched quite a lot. This virtual office service is both economical and you get a premium position for your online consulting firm.

Advisor Business

It is always the dream of many parents to let their children study abroad. You want your children to go to an American school to provide them with more opportunities and diversity in their education.

Everyone wants that, not just you!

This gives rise to the demand for studying abroad. Therefore, the service packages you can consider are consulting, orientation and support for study abroad procedures will be a suitable choice for you to do this business.

When you have consulted the service packages, parents also want to put their faith in trustworthy centers. First of all, your office model must be structured and have a stable location so that customers can search your center or office for advice. The position of your office is also the point that increases the client’s trustworthiness towards you.

But finding an office is too difficult and the cost is too expensive outside your business idea budget, the best suggestion for you is that virtual office rental services are now extremely popular, the low cost that guarantees you a super nice location to book your office.

Reproductive Health Counseling

Reproductive health counseling is a suitable business type today. This model is suitable for young couples who have not had children or are looking for a baby.

Because it is aimed at young couples, finding information where they can trust to listen to advice is essential that the center or office must have a reputable, well-located location.

No one wants to lose money to places that have ghost addresses or unidentified offices. The best option is why don’t you use a virtual office rental service? This is a service that helps your business idea to save space costs optimally, with only a small cost that you can own a modern office space, located in a beautiful, dreamlike location.

Service packages you can do business like infertility counseling.

Note, that this business idea requires you to have in-depth knowledge of health to advise clients.

Event Services

The event industry in the current era is extremely developed, so the event organization businesses can manage several events such as:

  • Birthday
  • Celebration
  • Company travel
  • Picnic
  • The wedding, and many others

But surely, after customers know your event decoration service, customers will immediately find the company’s address on your company’s website.

The customer wants to talk to and choose your side. If your company has a beautiful location in the center or prime locations, of course thinking about your company to the customer will lie at a different level.

Currently, virtual office rental services are very suitable for many business models. Both save space costs and have a beautiful location for your office.

Food Restaurant

If you are good at cooking especially the typical spicy food of India then you can start this business in Germany. Indian food is liked all over the world and in Germany people also like Indian food.

It will be great if you are from India and settled in Germany then for you it will be easy to cook and present the Indian food to the customers.

Considering its demand it is one of the best business ideas in Germany for Indians.

Blogging Business

Blogging as a business has become a trend in all parts of the world and Germany many people are starting their blogs in different niches. It is a profitable home-based business in Germany to start right now.

The investment required for this business is quite low, you only have a domain and hosting, and the rest depends upon your creativity and skills.

Blogging needs patience because it takes time to show you the results you expect. So be patient and keep working until you get success then you will find new ways to earn a decent amount of profits.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose an idea that fits you and start a business but make sure you check other aspects of the business idea to get started. Hopefully, this will be useful for you.

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