13 Profitable Business Ideas For Lazy People

Who says business ideas for lazy people don’t exist? Everyone can do business, including those who feel like lazy people. Especially with today’s various technological advances that have made it easier for you to build a business. Just take a look at the various business recommendations that lazy people can live below!

Here in this, I have mentioned some of the best business opportunities that a lazy person can do and earn a good amount of profits.

There are many business options that you can do without the hassle and take up a lot of your time. You can do this business while relaxing or even lying at home.

Business Ideas for Lazy Person

Here are business recommendations for lazy people:

Business with Reseller System

You may already be familiar with the term reseller in the world of buying and selling.

Yes, if you want to sell without having to think about the production process, then a business with a reseller system is perfect. You can buy products that are already available in the market, then sell them at a higher price to make a profit. 

There are already many entrepreneurs who offer this system and provide friendly prices for those of you who want to become their resellers. 


  • Initial capital tends not to be large
  • Can build your brand
  • Can take advantage of an established market with an existing customer base


  • There is additional work, namely packaging and shipping goods
  • The market is very competitive
  • Requires a warehouse for storage of goods
  • Have to sell a lot to generate a large income

Delivery Service

Shopping but getting paid? A dream for those of you who like shopping, here!

The way these business works is that you buy the product that the customer wants and then collect a service fee for each product purchased. 

When doing window shopping, you can get various discounted items at the mall and then take photos and offer them on social media. You can also open a deposit service when you travel out of town or even abroad. Offer the service of depositing goods typical of the place you visit your friends.

Endorsement Services

If you have a social media account with a lot of followers, there’s nothing wrong with opening an endorsement service. You can get paid or free products every time you promote a product.

What if you don’t have many followers? Don’t be disappointed you can find an audience by creating interesting content that makes people interested in following you. Only then can you become an influencer.

Business with Dropshipping System

The next business idea is to sell with a dropship system. Like a reseller system, you also sell other people’s products with this system. The advantage of this dropship system can be said to be more practical.

If as a reseller you have to stock up on items first, then you can resell them, you don’t need to do this as a dropshipper. You only need to market the goods, later if someone wants to buy the goods, you will place an order with the seller and the product will be sent directly to the customer.


  • Very minimal initial capital
  • No need for warehouse storage
  • Can take advantage of an established market with an existing customer base


  • You can be blamed for the sender’s error or damage to the goods
  • The market is very competitive
  • You have to sell a lot to make a big income
  • In many cases, it is difficult or even impossible to build your brand

Affiliate Marketing

This business for lazy people is still similar to the previous ideas. You are required to market products or services from other business owners. Later you will get a commission from every product or service that you can sell.

If in the dropship system you can determine your selling price, as affiliate marketing you have to sell according to the specified price, the amount of commission that you will get has also been determined from the start.



  • You have to drive web traffic to affiliate links. However, even though a lot of traffic but no sales means no commission
  • Often have to spend money on advertising and marketing

Vlogging or Blogging

Blogging can be a business idea for those of you who have a hobby of writing. If you like creating video content, you can create a vlog and upload it to YouTube. After your blog or YouTube channel gets a lot of audiences, you can monetize it which will later become a source of income that continues to flow.


Do you have deep expertise in a field? Offering services as a consultant can be a brilliant idea. Not everyone can be an expert in all fields. Therefore, the role of a consultant is needed.

For example, if you are a finance expert, you can offer services as a personal financial consultant.

Become an Influencer

Do you often play on social media? Why not do business online on social media by becoming an influencer?

Everyone can become an influencer if they have a lot of followers and interesting content. This can be a very profitable lazy business, and with almost no capital.

Business Ideas For Lazy People

Of course, to become an influencer, several social media account requirements must be met, including:

  • Have quite a lot of followers.
  • Post unique and interesting content regularly.
  • Focus on a specific niche that describes your social media account. For example; business niche, forex niche, food niche, and so on.

In addition, you also need to understand the level of influencers to know an overview of the price of influencer services. According to online marketers, the influencer level consists of nano, micro, and macro.

Well, if your social media account is considered popular enough, advertisers will usually contact you directly on your social media account.


  • Can be done by anyone
  • Can set your own work time
  • Initial costs are very minimal or even almost no capital


  • It takes time to build credibility and followers on social media
  • It may take a long time to start making money
  • Must create and post unique content regularly

Become a YouTuber

Maybe you’ve been using YouTube as a means of entertainment only. Now is the time for you to take advantage of YouTube as a business field and make money as a lazy person.

Many YouTubers make money from their video content. Not half-hearted, their income is tens of millions of dollars per month.

You may be confused, how?

Building a YouTube channel and making money from it is not as complicated as making a rocket. However, doing so requires creativity, patience, and consistency in making videos that are unique and interesting.

Building a YouTube channel takes time and is not an easy process. If done seriously and consistently, at least in one year your YouTube channel will get more visitors and subscribers.

This can be a great start to making money from YouTube.


  • Can be done by anyone
  • Can set your own work time
  • As a medium of self-expression


  • It takes patience to build a YouTube channel
  • Requires skill and creativity to make interesting videos
  • It takes time to make money


Not much different from a consultant, as a freelancer, you sell services according to your skills. If you like writing, you can become a freelance content writer. You can also become a freelance photographer if you have a hobby in photography.

Freelancers are not tied down so they have more flexible time at work. So you are the one who decides when you will work and when you don’t. As a result, you have as much time lying down as you need.

Stock Photos Business

This business for lazy people is also suitable for those of you who have a hobby in the field of photography. If you have lots of good stock photos, then you can become a contributor to websites that sell stock photos. You only need to download the photo, then you will get royalties from every photo you sell through the website.

So easy, huh? You can get the additional income that continues to flow with just one photo download.

Become a PodCaster

What are Podcasts? Simply put, a podcast is an audio program just like a radio host.

The difference is, that podcast content can listen to multiple times, and when people subscribe to podcasts on smartphones, they can listen to them anytime.

A podcaster is a person who produces audio content on a channel that provides audio content on-demand that can be accessed online.

Much like YouTubers. The difference is, that the content produced is only in audio form.

But it’s not just any nonsense.

There are many content topics that you can cover in Podcasts. However, you should focus on topics that you are good at or are passionate about so that your channel can continue to grow in the future.

Then, how to monetize audio content?

There are several methods to make money from being a podcaster, namely; donations from listeners, ads in your audio content, affiliate programs, and more.


  • The process of creating audio content is very easy and almost free
  • Can set your own work time
  • Podcast fans are getting higher


  • Audiences must have an internet connection and adequate devices
  • Podcasts are still very vulnerable in terms of copyright abuse
  • If a podcaster is not well known, it will be very difficult to get an audience

Rental Business

There are many items that you can rent from property, vehicles, outdoor equipment, party equipment, and much more. You just need to adjust the budget you have for rental business capital.

It turns out that there are many business ideas for lazy people? If you’re just being lazy you can earn money, of course, you’ll be able to make more money if you go through these businesses diligently.

Of course, if you want to have a longer time to lay down, but the money keeps going into your pocket? Come on, immediately try the various business opportunities above!

My Final Thoughts

Now you are aware of the best business ideas that lazy people can try and earn profits and please remember you have to work to start a business but working time will be as per your choice. If you are a lazy person, choose a time when you feel active and work on your idea but if you are thinking you just click a button and your business will touch heights then this is not for you.

A lazy person doesn’t mean that you don’t have to work at all, it is just you want business ideas on which you can work even sitting on your bed and we have provided you with the best business ideas that one can think of. Hope this will be useful for you.

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